Star Wars Republic Commando makes you a part of the Empire, as you fight for the Dark Side. Lead a highly-trained 3-man squad deep behind enemy lines. Take on the most brutal enemies with the deadly weapons at your disposal - pit them to good use and prove to the Galaxy why they should fear a Republic Commando.
- Travel to 8 diverse environments from Geonosis to the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk in 14 deadly missions
- Innovative squad combat utilizing intuitive and accessible smart squad command system featuring squad markers and stances
- Challenging combat with incredible enemies - Super Battle Droids, Droidekas, Geonosian Warriors and Elites, Trandoshan Slavers and Mercenaries
- Access more than 12 weapons from the Star Wars films -- from a standard DC-17 rifle to the Trandoshan Slaver Shotgun and Geonosian Elite Beam Weapon
- Multiplayer action with up to 16 players - deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag